Telecommuting Policy Template

Telecommuting Policy Template:

Create your own telecommuting policy in minutes using this free Microsoft Word template.

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Telecommuting Policy Sample:

Telecommuting Policy

[Business Name]

1. Overview.

All employees at [Business Name] will have the opportunity to telecommute for a maximum of [x]% of their scheduled work time if they desire to. However, any employees who demonstrate an inability to work independently or who display a decrease in performance while telecommuting may have their alternative work privileges revoked.

2. Approval process.

Any employee wishing to telecommute must first have their schedule approved by a Manager. A request can be submitted via email or in-person. Approval will be subject to the following conditions:

a. [Condition 1]

b. [Condition 2]

c. [Condition 3]

3. Time management.

Telecommuting employees will be responsible for tracking their work time using [name of time-tracking software]. Failure to track time accurately may result in a loss of pay as compensation for unaccounted time cannot be released.

4. Informal telecommuting.

All employees have automatic approval to telecommute during the course of business travel. As this is a temporary and informal telecommuting arrangement, it does not constitute ongoing approval to telecommute.

5. Overtime.

The use of overtime hours while telecommuting is not permitted. Any employees who log overtime hours while telecommuting may be subject to immediate termination.

6. Miscellaneous.

[Add any other conditions, rules, or exceptions that apply to your telecommuting policy.]

How to Write a Telecommuting Policy:

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How to Write a Telecommuting Policy:

A good telecommuting policy should include a set of rules that govern the working conditions of employees outside of the office. It should clearly state who is eligible for telecommuting and the boundaries of their remote work, and provide a clear and thorough outline of rules and penalties.


Lay the groundwork.


Specify the scope of your policy.

Specify the scope of your policy.

Some companies allow for 100% telecommuting, while others limit telecommuting options to just a fraction of employees' work schedules. Your policy should begin with a clear explanation of how much telecommuting will be permitted and who is eligible.


Explain the approval process.

Explain the approval process.

Employees who are willing and eager to telecommute will want to know how they can be approved to do so. Whether it's by submitting a form, speaking to a manager, or sending an email, clearly state how employees can submit their requests to telecommute.


Be specific and communicate clearly.


Present telecommuting rules.

Present telecommuting rules.

A good structure will help to ensure that your employees don't become complacent while they are working from home. Having clearly stated rules, like how time will be tracked, what hours must be worked, etc., will help to keep your employees on track.


Address possible disciplinary actions.

Address possible disciplinary actions.

Your telecommuting policy should discourage employees from taking advantage of their new-found freedom. Outline possible disciplinary actions that will be taken if an employee violates the rules of your policy. Disciplinary actions may include revoking telecommuting privileges, suspension, and even termination in severe cases.

How to Transition Employees to Working From Home

Learn how to support and manage your employees when transitioning to working remotely.


What is the purpose of telecommuting?

Telecommuting allows employees to save time by cutting out their daily commute. In many cases, this can lead to a more independent and motivated workforce.

How do you create a work from home policy?

You can use our template to write your own work from home policy that includes rules and limitations.

What is an emergency telecommuting policy?

An emergency telecommuting policy is a policy for working from home that comes into effect during an emergency situation, such as the recent COVID-19 shutdown.

What should I do if my employer has no telecommuting policy?

Even though your employer doesn't currently have a telecommuting policy, it might still be a good idea to suggest that they create one. Telecommuting is becoming more and more common, so many employers are rethinking their management approach.

Do you have a nonprofit telecommuting policy?

You can use our free telecommuting policy template to create a customized telecommuting policy for your nonprofit. Simply download the Word doc, add information that is specific to your nonprofit, and share it with your employees.

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