Bereavement leave policy template download.

Bereavement Leave Policy Template

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Bereavement Leave Policy Sample:

Bereavement Leave Policy

[Company Name]

All full- and part-time employees of [Company Name] are entitled to [paid/unpaid] bereavement leave in the event of the death of a family member or friend. Bereavement leave will not count against the time taken for vacation or sickness.

1. Bereavement Leave for Immediate Family.

Immediate family includes siblings, parents, spouses, children, parents-in-law, grandchildren, grandparents, children-in-law, and siblings-in-law. Employees who require time off to attend a funeral for an immediate family member, or to make arrangements, are eligible for [number of days] [paid/unpaid] days of bereavement leave.

2. Bereavement Leave for Nonimmediate Family.

Employees who require leave for nonimmediate family funerals (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) are entitled to [number of days] [paid/unpaid] days of bereavement leave.

3. Bereavement Leave for Friends, Coworkers, etc.

Employees who require leave to attend the funerals of friends, coworkers, neighbors, and other associates are entitled to [number of days] [paid/unpaid] day(s) of bereavement leave.

4. Approval by Supervisor.

Before taking bereavement leave, an employee must request the leave directly from their supervisor. Employees must state the date(s) and duration of their leave. Approval/denial will be provided in writing once the request has been reviewed.

Employee Handbook

Free template download and answers to frequently asked questions.


How many days off do employees get when someone dies?

The amount of leave depends on the employer's bereavement policy.

What states require bereavement leave?

California, Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, and Washington require employers to provide bereavement leave in certain circumstances. In all other states, bereavement leave is at the discretion of employers.

Can you get fired for bereavement?

Because some employers in the U.S. are not required to provide bereavement leave, employees could be fired if they take bereavement leave without approval.

Are aunts and uncles considered immediate family?

It depends on the policy, but in many cases, aunts and uncles are considered to be immediate family members.

How should employees ask for a day off for a funeral?

Typically, employees must speak to their manager to request bereavement leave. Many organizations also have a form that employees can use to submit their requests in writing.

Is a girlfriend immediate family?

It depends on the nature of the relationship and how the specific bereavement leave policy at the company is worded. If their girlfriend is also their common-law partner, then most policies would consider her to be an immediate family member.

Are in-laws immediate family?

Most bereavement leave policies include in-laws as immediate family members.

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