Contact & Company Details:

Mailing Address:

2093 Philadelphia Pike #2555
Claymont DE 19703-2424

Phone Numbers:

United States - (877) 577 4473
United Kingdom - 0800 069 8578
Australia - 1800 940 992
Mexico - 800 1124 514


General -
Support -

Company Registration Details:

  • Company Name - Betterteam Pty Ltd
  • Registered on - 12th of February 2016
  • Headquartered in - Sydney, NSW AUSTRALIA
  • Australian Company Number (ACN) - 610 715 672
  • D&B/DUNS Number - 74-416-7869
  • Unique Entity ID - PJKPFJLEQ5U3 expires Jan 16, 2025


What does Betterteam do?

Betterteam is an applicant tracking system and job post distribution system. You post your jobs on Betterteam and we automatically send them to our network of 100+ job boards. Candidates who apply to your jobs are collected in your Betterteam Dashboard and also emailed to you.

How does Betterteam work?

  1. Sign up at
  2. Post your available jobs.
  3. We send your jobs to our network of 100+ job boards.
  4. Candidates apply to your jobs via our networks of job boards.
  5. Applications are added to your Betterteam Dashboard and also emailed to you.
  6. You can begin to manage your candidates in your email or the Betterteam Dashboard.
  7. We continue to send you candidates until you hire the perfect candidate and close your job.

What do real customers say in Betterteam reviews?

As of January, 2024, Betterteam maintains a 4.8 out of 5.0 rating from 292 reviews on Capterra.

What are Betterteam's features?

  1. Post your jobs to 100+ job boards with one submission.
  2. Edit your jobs once and have these edits automatically reflected on hundreds of job boards.
  3. View the candidate resumes inside the Betterteam dashboard using your laptop, tablet, or mobile device.
  4. Like and decline candidates inside the Betterteam dashboard.
  5. Add private notes to candidate records.
  6. Automatically send a copy of all applications by email to other hiring managers.
  7. Download performance reports on all your jobs showing the number of applications over time.
  8. Download CSV candidate exports to easily add your candidates to other systems.
  9. Simple and affordable pricing based on the number of jobs you need to have open simultaneously.
  10. Month-to-month plans or a yearly plan with a 50% discount.