
A job post on the AFP Ottawa job board costs C$200.00 for members and C$300.00 for nonmembers.


AFP Ottawa's aim is to generate funds for and awareness of much-needed community development programs across the globe. They host educational and networking opportunities, a Fundraising Day Conference, and a philanthropy awards ceremony, as well as mentorship programs for newcomers to the industry.

With AFP Ottawa's job board, employers can find fundraising experts to assist with development work across the globe. The organization aims to attain a diverse representation of experiences, perspectives, opinions, and cultures in the fundraising fraternity, which makes members sought after in the industry.


  • The platform provides employers access to a network of qualified fundraisers in the Ottawa region.
  • The AFP Ottawa job center assists employers interested in promoting diversity in the workplace through its pool of qualified candidates.
  • Employers can post fundraising roles at all career levels.
  • New job posts are sent to potential candidates via email alerts.
  • Employers can add their company logo to listings for increased brand awareness.
  • Job posts are promoted on the platform's social media channels.


  • Employers cannot post jobs directly to AFP Ottawa's job board.
  • Job posts have to include salary ranges before they can be published.
  • It is unclear how long posts are active on the site.
  • Job posts only appear on the job board two to three days after submission.


We were unable to find any online reviews of AFP Ottawa's job board.

AFP Ottawa Job Center vs.

While AFP Ottawa's job board primarily advertises roles in the fundraising industry, allows employers to post a range of jobs in the nonprofit sector. Both organizations share listings on their social media pages. Posting on is free, while the AFP Ottawa job board charges nonmembers C$300.00 per listing.

AFP Ottawa Job Center vs. Ottawa Citizen Job Board:

Similar to AFP Ottawa's job center, Ottawa Citizen Job Board connects employers with local job seekers. While AFP Ottawa is a membership organization aimed at fundraising, Ottawa Citizen is a news publication for the local community. Ottawa Citizen advertises a range of general vacancies, while AFP Ottawa's job board primarily lists fundraising jobs.

AFP Ottawa Job Center vs. Idealist:

While Idealist assists employers and job seekers in the nonprofit sector, AFP Ottawa primarily caters to the local fundraising industry. AFP Ottawa only advertises jobs in the Ottawa region, but Idealist has a global reach with the majority of their site visitors coming from the U.S. Idealist does not have offices in Canada.

Key Information

Legal Name

Association of Fundraising Professionals Ottawa Chapter


436 - 900 Greenbank Rd., Ottawa, ON K2P 4P6






What is the AFP Ottawa?

AFP Ottawa is a membership organization aimed at improving diversity in the fundraising industry. As part of their services, they host a job board for fundraising professionals.

How much does it cost to post a job on AFP Ottawa's job board?

Advertising a listing on AFP Ottawa's job board will cost members C$200.00, while nonmembers will pay C$300.00 per post.

How do you post a job on AFP Ottawa's job board?

To post a job on AFP Ottawa, email the job description and salary scale, along with your company's logo, to the Chapter Administrator.

Do you have to be a member to post on AFP Ottawa's job board?

No, you don't have to be a member, but it is more affordable for members to post vacancies on the AFP Ottawa job board.

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