


Starting price

From £30.00 +VAT /post.

Free offer

Post duration

28 days.

Bulk posting options

Featured listings

Candidate matching

Job distribution


Social media promotion


VetClick is a niche job board that helps veterinary practices find, attract, and hire qualified professionals throughout the U.K. and abroad. The platform offers several job posting packages to suit different hiring needs, as well as a free posting option, making it a valuable resource for employers in search of veterinary talent.

VetClick is also more affordable than its niche competitors, including Veterinary Jobs Marketplace and Vet Record Careers, and offers a comprehensive suite of hiring services, such as featured listings, candidate matching, social media promotion, and bulk posting plans.


  • VetClick offers three free job posting credits as part of their introductory offer.
  • The job board gives companies access to a specialized pool of veterinary talent throughout the U.K.
  • There are several bulk job posting plans available for employers with large-scale hiring requirements.
  • Listings are shared via the platform's Twitter page for increased exposure.
  • Employers can purchase candidate credits to filter talent and access their contact details.
  • The job board offers featured job credits that add listings to its home page for maximum visibility.
  • Companies can program the platform to automatically email CVs of talent that match their listing's criteria.
  • VetClick is more affordable than several niche competitors.
  • Job posting and candidate credits never expire.
  • Employers can add their practice information and logo to the platform for enhanced brand awareness.


  • Listings aren't shared with other job boards.
  • The platform's pricing is only visible after completing the sign-up process.
  • While the job board accepts international postings, its reach is primarily limited to the U.K.
  • VetClick lacks applicant tracking tools.


We were unable to find any online reviews of VetClick.




First Three Job Posts


1 Job Post Credit

£30.00 +VAT

10 Job Post Credits

£140.00 +VAT

50 Job Post Credits

£220.00 +VAT

100 Job Post Credits

£293.34 +VAT

500 Job Post Credits

£550.00 +VAT

1000 Job Post Credits

£957.00 +VAT

Featured Ad - 3 Days

+£8.24 +VAT

Featured Ad - 7 Days

+£11.98 +VAT

Featured Ad - 14 Days

+£16.49 +VAT

Featured Ad - 28 Days

+£32.98 +VAT

1 Candidate Credit

£25.00 +VAT

5 Candidate Credits

£55.00 +VAT

10 Candidate Credits

£92.00 +VAT

20 Candidate Credits

£138.00 +VAT

40 Candidate Credits

£172.50 +VAT

VetClick vs. Veterinary Jobs Marketplace:

VetClick and Veterinary Jobs Marketplace both advertise a wide variety of veterinary roles, but each platform has its own standout features. For free job posting options and candidate matching services, VetClick is a good choice, but Veterinary Jobs Marketplace is the better option for company promotional videos and job campaign writing services.

VetClick vs. Vet Times Jobs:

Like VetClick, Vet Times Jobs offers a free job posting plan and social media promotion. However, only Vet Times Jobs features a mobile app and job post-writing support. Of the two, VetClick is the budget-friendly option, charging £30.00 +VAT for a single listing, while Vet Times Jobs' pricing starts from £595.00 +VAT per post.

VetClick vs.

While VetClick offers employers a targeted approach to hiring veterinary talent, has a much larger reach than the former site, catering to more than 21.7 million active candidates. Both platforms feature social media promotion and employer branding, but only VetClick has free job posting options.

Key Information

Legal Name

VetClick (UK) Ltd


43-44 Fourways, Carlyon Rd. Industrial, Atherstone, Warwickshire CV9 1LH



020 8348 7812



What does it cost to post a job on VetClick?

Employers' first three job posts on VetClick are free, and its paid packages start from £30.00 +VAT for a single listing.

How do I create an account on VetClick?

  1. Navigate to VetClick's home page and click on "SIGN UP" on the left-hand side of the page.
  2. Click on "RECRUITER SIGN UP" and complete the online registration form.
  3. Once you're done, click on "CREATE PROFILE."

How do I delete a job post from VetClick?

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Under "Jobs," tick the box next to the listing you'd like to remove and click on "Delete Selected Jobs."

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