


Annual Standard Ad

$45.00 /yr.

Featured Job Postings

$95.00 /post.

*There are discounts for bulk postings with the Annual Standard Ad.


SCIWAY jobs portal gives employers two ways of advertising careers: featuring their careers page in an online directory or featuring jobs on the job portal. The former is more affordable and lasts longer, while the latter provides a more targeted ad and is useful for making fast hires.

Job posts reach a large audience of local job seekers, although there are no candidate management tools or multiple job posting discounts for the Featured Job Postings option.


  • Featured job posts appear at the top of jobs pages.
  • Job posts are optimized to appear on Google searches and are featured on Google for Jobs.
  • Employers can choose the number of pages they wish to have their job post appear on, each with an additional fee.
  • Job posts can be targeted to specific cities in South Carolina.
  • Employers can advertise their careers page in the online directory, which can lead job seekers to their job ads.
  • Businesses in South Carolina can use SCIWAY jobs portal to advertise their business in a directory, as well as corporate events.
  • Rival job boards and The State Jobs are costlier than SCIWAY.


  • It takes two days for job posts to go live.
  • There are no free job posting options.
  • Job post descriptions are limited to 60 words.
  • There are discounts for multiple standard ads, but not multiple job posts.
  • A lack of candidate management tools makes it difficult for large companies to recruit in volume.
  • The company is run by two people and does not have the capacity to provide efficient customer service.
  • There is no telephone line and emails are discouraged.
  • The job board lacks customer reviews.


SCIWAY has an A+ rating on Better Business Bureau and is a verified merchant on SCIWAY advertisers cite a large number of referrals and web traffic through their job board and employer directory as the standout qualities. We were unable to find customer reviews of the job board.

SCIWAY Jobs Portal vs. is part of a network of regional job boards that gives job posts a reach far greater than SCIWAY. This reach comes at a higher price, costing employers a fee of $275.00, compared to SCIWAY's posting price of $95.00. Use SCIWAY if you only want to search within South Carolina on a tight budget.

SCIWAY Jobs Portal vs. charges businesses $99.00 to post a job, compared to $95.00 on SCIWAY. SCIWAY puts your job post in front of more eyes than will, making it the better option. In addition,'s biggest drawback is that it only caters to the Charleston region, while SCIWAY advertises to candidates across the state.

SCIWAY Jobs Portal vs. The State Jobs:

At $398.00 per post, The State Jobs is a significantly costlier option than SCIWAY's fee of $95.00. The bigger price tag gets your job in front of many more job seekers, as The State Jobs posts jobs to its network of more than 30 of the biggest job boards. If you only want to hire in the state of South Carolina and have a tight hiring budget, go with SCIWAY.

Key Information

Legal Name, LLC


Rod Welch

Founding Date

Jan 01, 1996


1362 Stone Post Rd., Charleston, SC 29412

Number of Employees


Number of Customers





What is SCIWAY?

SCIWAY is an online directory for the state of North Carolina. It hosts a popular job board that is frequented by over 2.4 million yearly visitors, listing jobs from all industries and attracting small and large companies alike.

What does it cost to post a job on the SCIWAY jobs portal?

The SCIWAY jobs portal has two pricing options: a single 30-day job post for $95.00 or a year-long company jobs page listing for $45.00.

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