How Many Hours Is Full-Time?

The IRS and the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) define full time as anyone working 30 or more hours per week, or 130 hours or more per month. The U.S. Department of Labor does not give a definition of full-time employment.

These definitions may not affect you if your company is not considered an Applicable Large Employer (ALE) by the IRS. Generally, companies with fewer than 50 employees are not considered ALEs, but this can vary for a number of reasons.

State laws may also describe full-time for the purposes of receiving specific benefits, and laws such as COBRA may have an effect as well.

Full-Time Job vs. Part-Time Jobs

Part-time employees typically work less than 32 hours per week, full-time is usually 32-40. Part-time employees are usually offered limited benefits and health care. Often a part-time employee is not eligible for paid time off, healthcare coverage, or paid sick leave.

Creating Part-Time Positions at Your Company:

There are several advantages to creating full-time and part-time employee designations at your company.

Obviously, you can save money by having some employees who do not receive full benefits. It may also be beneficial for both you and the part-time worker to have limited hours.

For instance, if you have gaps in your schedule to fill on certain days and at certain times, having a part-time employee to specifically fill those gaps can be helpful. There are job seekers who may also wish to work a more limited schedule.

When you create part-time positions, the number of hours they work may not be enough to justify the cost of certain benefits.

One common warning though is that too many part-time workers can be a drag on productivity. Basically, the less time people spend immersed in their job and the company culture, the less productive they are.

What Jobs Are Best for Part-Time?

Traditionally retail, fast food, and hospitality work has been the domain of part-time jobs, as they often need flexible schedules to accommodate changes in demand. But now more professionals are becoming part-time workers to give both employee and employer increased flexibility.

Sometimes when a business is at the height of its busiest season, a full-time employee is unable to work, or some other circumstance changes, a part-time employee may end up working overtime hours.

Overtime for Part-Time Workers:

Part-time workers may occasionally end up working overtime, or more than 40 hours, in a week. Part-time worker overtime is governed by the FLSA rules on exempt and nonexempt employees. Most likely you will be required to pay a part-time worker overtime, but be sure to review the rules.

Sometimes what seemed like a temporary change may become a long-term one, and a part-time employee may end up working full-time hours for an extended period.

When Does a Part-Time Worker Become Full-Time?

If a part-time worker is consistently working full-time but not receiving full-time benefits, this can lead to IRS and ERISA violations. You’ll want to have a specific policy that dictates when a part-time employee becomes full-time so that you consistently offer benefits across your organization.


What is the difference between a full-time job and a part-time job?

Employers decide how many hours per week is full-time and part-time, and what the differences will be. Part-time employees are usually offered limited benefits and health care. For example, a part-time employee may not be eligible for paid time off, healthcare coverage, or paid sick leave.

How many hours must a full-time employee put into work?

The U.S. Department of Labor does not give a definition of what a full-time employee is, but the IRS and the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) define it as anyone working 30 or more hours per week, or 130 hours or more per month.

These definitions may not affect you if your company is not considered an Applicable Large Employer (ALE) by the IRS. Generally, companies with fewer than 50 employees are not considered ALEs, but this can vary for a number of reasons.

State laws may also describe full-time for the purposes of receiving specific benefits, and laws such as COBRA may have an effect as well.

What type of jobs are suitable for part-time employment?

Traditionally retail, fast food, and hospitality work have been the domain of part-time jobs, as they often need flexible schedules to accommodate changes in demand. But now more professionals are becoming part-time workers to give both employee and employer increased flexibility.

Is a 32-hour workload considered part-time?

While most employers define full-time work as ranging between 32 and 40 hours a week, the Affordable Care Act specifies that a part-time worker works fewer than 30 hours a week on average. Under the Affordable Care Act, a 32-hour workweek is considered full-time.

Can a part-time worker become a full-time employee?

Sometimes what seemed like a temporary change may become a long-term one, and a part-time employee may end up working full-time hours for an extended period. You’ll want to have a specific policy that dictates when a part-time employee becomes full-time so that you consistently offer benefits across your organization, thus preventing any IRS and ERISA violations that may arise otherwise.

How do I apply overtime regulations to my part-time employees?

Part-time workers may occasionally end up working overtime, or more than 40 hours, in a week. This might happen when a business is at the height of its busiest season, a full-time employee is unable to work, or some other circumstance changes. Part-time worker overtime is governed by the FLSA rules on exempt and nonexempt employees. Most likely you will be required to pay a part-time worker overtime, but be sure to review the rules.

Are part-time workers entitled to vacation?

There is no requirement that employers grant part-time workers vacation time. However, it is common for employers to offer part-time workers some time off. This is usually done on a pro-rata basis.

What are part-time workers entitled to?

Part-time workers are not typically afforded the same health and retirement plans as full-time workers. They are entitled to a minimum wage and should be provided meal periods and rest breaks relative to the length of their shift.

How many sick days do part-time employees get?

Only Arizona, California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington states have mandatory sick leave laws. While there are no federal laws mandating sick leave, the amount of sick leave by state ranges from five to fourteen days.

On what sites can I post a part-time job vacancy?

How many hours is part-time?

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not define full-time or part-time employment. Full-time or part-time hours per week is a matter generally to be determined by the employer. The IRS, however, defines full time as anyone working 30 or more hours per week, or 130 hours or more per mon

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