Legal and Compliance
Get information and guides to help you with human resources legal and compliance issues.
Final Paycheck Laws by State
Learn about the final paycheck laws for each state.
Labor Condition Application (LCA) Guide
A comprehensive guide to LCAs and how to file one.
Essential Businesses
A guide to which businesses are considered essential during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Life-Sustaining Businesses
Find out which businesses are classified as life-sustaining in several U.S. states.
Illegal Interview Questions — What Not to Ask Candidates
Questions you should avoid asking in an interview.
What Are Voluntary Benefits?
A definition of voluntary benefits, pros and cons, and frequently asked questions.
What is Sabbatical Leave?
Details about sabbatical leave and the benefits to a company and its employees.
What is an Essential Worker?
Classifying essential workers, their responsibilities, and state requirements.
EEO-1 Report
Free download with instructions.
What is EEOC Compliance?
Definition, how to comply, and FAQs.
What is Back Pay?
Definition, how to make back payments, and the consequences of not paying back pay.
What is Absenteeism?
Learn all you need to know about absenteeism and how it affects your business.
What is a Nonessential Worker?
Classifying nonessential workers, their responsibilities, and state requirements.