Web designer cover letter template

Web Designer Cover Letter — Free Template

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Web Designer Cover Letter Sample:

[Full Name]

[Physical Address]

[Telephone Number]

[Email Address]


Application for the position of web designer.

Dear [Recipient’s title and last name],

I was thrilled to have recently learned in the [source] that [company name] is looking for an experienced web designer to join the creative department. With [number of years] years of web designing experience, I believe that I meet all the requirements for the position and would love the opportunity to work for such a reputable company.

In [year of attendance], I obtained my [qualification] in [graphic design/web design/related field] from [university/college name] where I mastered my skills in [skill 1], [skill 2], and [skill 3]. My strong work ethic and commitment to delivering quality service allow me to embody the essential characteristics needed to perform this job well. My web designing abilities and work ethic were recognized in [year] when I received an award for [name of award] from the [institution name].

In my previous position at [company name], I was responsible for creating and implementing design guidelines, testing and improving designs, conceptualizing creative ideas, and incorporating innovative functionalities and features. Through this position, I was able to master my expertise working with [design software 1], [design software 2], and [design software 3].

I am aware that a web designing job requires strong creative and time management skills but I am accustomed to performing the necessary tasks efficiently. I thrive in a team environment and believe that together we can produce quality designs and meet all client demands.

Thank you for considering my application and I look forward to discussing the position further. Please find my resume and portfolio attached, and feel free to contact me at [email address] or [telephone number].


[Your name]

How to Write a Web Designer Cover Letter:

$0.00 USD
2 Hours

A step-by-step guide on how to write the perfect web designer cover letter for your next job application.


Start with your contact information.


Provide your name and contact details.

Provide your name and contact details.

Your cover letter should provide your current contact information, including your full name, physical address, telephone number, and email address.

Include your website and social media links.

If you showcase your web designs on any social media platforms or manage a professional website for reference purposes, include the appropriate links as employers will be compelled to see your work in action.


Address your letter.


Address the recipient by name.

Address the recipient by name.

When addressing your cover letter, be sure to use the recipient's preferred title and full name. If you're unable to obtain the full name, include their title and the recipient's last name.


Avoid using generic greetings.

Avoid using generic greetings.

Using "To whom it may concern" is no longer considered professional. It is better to find out the name of the addressee and use an appropriate title before their name, such as Mr., Ms., or Dr. For example, "Dr. Dodson" or "Ms. Ellis."


Write a brief introduction.


Describe how you found the job.

Describe how you found the job.

In your first paragraph, mention where you first saw the job posting, i.e., job board, newspaper, company career page.


Tell them why you're the best candidate for the job.

Tell them why you're the best candidate for the job.

Write about why you think you're the ideal candidate. Remember to only list valid reasons as to why you would be an asset to the company. End the first paragraph by clearly stating your interest in the opportunity.


Showcase your qualifications and experience.


List your qualifications first.

List your qualifications first.

The second paragraph of your cover letter should focus on your qualifications and skills. We recommend starting with your qualifications, followed by a list of web design-related skills, as employers will be most interested in this information.

For the role of a web designer, you will mostly require a Bachelor's degree in graphic design, and possess excellent communication, technical, and visual design skills.


Discuss your employment history.

Discuss your employment history.

Immediately after your qualifications and skills section, lead into your experience working as a web designer. Here, you want to really emphasize the responsibilities you held in your previous position so that employers can determine the types of tasks you've mastered over your career.


Highlight your responsibilities.

Highlight your responsibilities.

This is also a great opportunity to list the design or programming software you've previously worked with, such as JQuery, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator.


End with a call to action.


Encourage them to contact you.

Encourage them to contact you.

Briefly thank the recipient for considering your cover letter and resume, reiterate your interest in the position, and encourage them to contact you to discuss the position further. Be sure to add your email address or telephone number, and if applicable, direct them to the attached documents.


Close your letter.

Close your letter.

Once you've included all the necessary details, sign off your letter with a respectable "Regards" or "Sincerely," followed by your full name.


How do I write a web designer cover letter if I have no experience?

If you have no professional work experience as a web designer, list any freelance work you've done that relates to the position or required transferable skills. In addition, if you're unable to list experience, you should at least possess a qualification that relates to web designing. If so, emphasize your qualification and include the different classes you attended, any practical projects you worked on, and showcase your knowledge of web design best practices.

What is a web designer's job description?

A web designer is responsible for creating and implementing designs for a website. You can read through our full web designer job description for a more detailed look.

What skills should I include in a web designer cover letter?

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • The ability to conceptualize creative design ideas.
  • Exceptional technical skills with a strong attention to detail.
  • Proficiency in design and programming software.

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