
Vetjobs Canada is no longer operational. The information in this article is for legacy purposes.


Vetjobs Canada was a job board exclusively for the Canadian veterinary industry and helped job seekers find their dream jobs in veterinary practices across the country. The job site was easy to use, and because it featured all relevant employment opportunities on one job board, it minimized costs for employers.

Vetjobs Canada provided access to both qualified candidates and volunteers looking for a place to offer their services.


  • The site was easy to use.
  • Job types were categorized according to geolocation, job type, salary, and the type of animals that employees would be working with.
  • The job board's one-stop service was cost and time-effective.
  • Listings were visible for 90 days.
  • Searches could be filtered according to regions.
  • The site had a map feature that allowed candidates to see exactly where the listings were based.
  • A paid option was available to employers wanting to boost their job posts.
  • Email notifications were sent to employers when an application was received.
  • Job posts could be edited at any time.


  • Although Vetjobs Canada was present on various social media platforms, they weren't very active and job posts did not get much attention.
  • The job site did not offer applicant tracking or a resume database.


We were unable to find any online reviews of Vetjobs Canada.

Key Information

Legal Name

Vet Jobs Canada

Founding Date

Aug 01, 2020


Bridgeman Rd., Summerland, BC V0H 1Z6





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