What is the difference between a reference letter and a recommendation letter?

A reference letter differs from a letter of recommendation in that it focuses primarily on the subject's character and personality, whereas a letter of recommendation focuses on tangible skills and abilities. It is important to include personal and character traits with specific examples in a reference letter.

A good reference letter will be concise and to the point. The hiring manager or person receiving the letter will want to know who you are, your relation to the applicant, and the reasons why you are vouching for them. A long-winded letter could negatively affect the chances of the subject obtaining the position.

Basic reference letter template

Basic Reference Letter Template Download:

Download this free basic reference letter template in MS Word format, and make it your own.

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Three Reference Letter Samples:

1. Basic reference letter sample:


Dear Mr./Ms. [insert name],

I am proud to write to you to recommend [insert subject's name] for the [insert subject's prospective job title] at [prospective new company name]. I have worked as [insert subject's name] [insert your professional relationship] for the past [insert time] in [her/his/their] position as [insert subject's job title] at [insert organization/company name].

During my time working with [insert subject's name], I was always impressed by [her/his/their] [insert first quality] and [insert second quality].

As a [insert subject's job title], [insert subject's name] was able to [insert first example] and managed to [insert second example]. I have always valued [insert quality] in my team, and [insert subject's name] always exceeded my expectations.

[Insert subject's name] is a delight to work with and I am sure that [she/he/they] will be a valuable [insert subject's prospective job title] in your team.

If you have any further questions about [insert subject's name], feel free to reach me at [insert phone number] or [insert email].


[Your name]
[Signature for hard copy]

Professional reference letter template

Professional Reference Letter Template Download:

Download this free basic reference letter template in MS Word format, and make it your own.

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2. Professional reference letter sample:

[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your phone number]
[Your email]


[Addressee's name]
[Addressee's title]
[Addressee's company name]
[Addressee's company address]

Dear Mr./Ms. [insert name],

It is with great pride that I recommend [insert subject's name] for the position of [insert subject's prospective job title] at [prospective new company name]. It has been a pleasure serving as [insert subject's name][insert your professional relationship] in the position of [insert subject's job title] for the past [insert time period].

During my professional relationship with [insert subject's name], I have been continually impressed by [her/his/their] [insert first quality] and [insert second quality].

As a talented [insert subjects job title], [insert subject's name] was able to [insert first example] and managed to [insert second example]. I value [insert quality] in my team, and [insert subject's name] never failed to exceed my expectations.

[Insert subject's name] is a joy to work with and I am confident that [she/he/they] will be a valuable [insert subject's prospective job title] in your team.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions regarding [her/his/their] character or past work.


[Your name]
[Signature for hard copy]

Academic reference letter template

Academic Reference Letter Template Download:

Download this free basic reference letter template in MS Word format, and make it your own.

Download Now

3. Academic reference letter sample:

[Your name]
[Your address]
[Your phone number]
[Your email]


[Addressee's name]
[Addressee's title]
[Addressee's company name]
[Addressee's company address]

Dear Mr./Ms./Professor [insert name] /Admissions Committee,

I am pleased to recommend [insert subject's name] for admission to [insert academic/educational institution and department]. Over the past [insert time period], I have served as [her/his/their] [insert your academic title] at [insert institution name]. During that time, I have seen tremendous growth in both [her/his/their] academic and personal goals.

I was always impressed by [her/his/their] [insert first quality] and [insert second quality]. As one of my students, [insert subject's name] managed to [insert first example] and managed to [insert second example].

[Insert subject's name] was a delight to teach and I am confident that [she/he/they] will valuable addition to your institution.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions about [her/his/their] personal or academic work and achievements.


[Your name]
[Signature for hard copy]

How to Write a Reference Letter:

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30 Minutes
How to Write a Reference Letter:

Five simple steps for writing a professional reference letter.


Address the letter.


Address the letter to the employer, hiring manager, or relevant group/organization.

Address the letter to the employer, hiring manager, or relevant group/organization.

Ask the subject for the details of the addressee or conduct research to ensure that you are addressing the hiring manager or contact person directly. Make sure that you add their full name or "Mr." or "Ms.," followed by their last name.

If the candidate is applying to an academic program, you can write "Dear Admissions Committee."

If you are writing a general letter, you could write to "Whom It May Concern" or simply start your letter with the first paragraph.


Write an introduction.


Briefly discuss the purpose of the letter.

Briefly discuss the purpose of the letter.

State the reason for the letter, the name of the individual that you're recommending, their job title, the company name, as well as your job title and professional relationship to the candidate. This introductory paragraph should be compelling but brief and to the point.


Write about the person you're recommending.


Highlight the positive attributes and qualities of the subject with examples.

Highlight the positive attributes and qualities of the subject with examples.

The next paragraph should include your endorsement of the subject by listing specific character traits that are relevant to the position. Include a sentence where you give examples of the characteristics to highlight your knowledge of the candidate's qualities.


Conclude your reference letter.


End your reference letter with a summary of your endorsement.

End your reference letter with a summary of your endorsement.

In the final paragraph, reiterate why you're recommending the individual by summarizing their positive qualities. Add their full name and the position you're recommending them for.


Sign-off your reference letter.


Conclude your letter with your contact details and a salutation.

Conclude your letter with your contact details and a salutation.

Finish your letter with an appropriate salutation and by adding your full name and a signature for a hard copy reference letter.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

Use our free template to easily craft an email request for a letter of recommendation.


What do you write in a reference letter?

  1. Your relationship to the subject.
  2. The length of your relationship with the subject.
  3. Positive personal characteristics.
  4. Specific examples of their positive qualities.
  5. A summary statement of recommendation.
  6. Your contact details.

What is an example of a good reference letter?

We've created three different types of good reference letter examples for you to download and customize. We've also included a step-by-step guide to help you through the process of writing a good reference letter.

What is a reference letter for employment?

A reference letter for employment is an endorsement by a manager or supervisor to recommend an employee for a prospective new job opportunity. The letter usually includes a positive testimony of the candidate's character, work ethic, and skills, with specific examples.

How do you write a strong reference letter?

  1. Make sure that you are comfortable writing a reference letter for the subject.
  2. Read through a copy of the subject's resume.
  3. Make sure that you understand the role that you are recommending the subject for.
  4. Follow a structure reference letter format.
  5. Focus on positive traits and give specific examples.
  6. Keep the reference letter short and to the point.
  7. Provide your contact details.

How do you start a reference letter?

Generally, a reference letter will start with "Dear Mr./Ms. [insert name]." If the candidate is applying to an academic program, you can write "Dear Admissions Committee." If you are writing a general letter, you could write to "Whom It May Concern" or simply start your letter with the first paragraph.

How long should a reference letter be?

A reference letter should not be longer than a page. It should contain the necessary amount of information needed to endorse the subject while remaining to the point.

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