Best Phone Interview Questions:

Below we've included detailed information behind these phone interview questions to ask candidates.

1. What is your current and expected salary?

  • It's a quick filter, in two ways. If an applicant is making well above what you offer, you shouldn't move forward with them. People almost never go backward on salary, and when they do, they rarely work out in the long term.
  • It tells you how senior they are. For example, a software developer making $100k and one making $150k are fundamentally different candidates.
  • It tells you how you should interview them. A candidate at $100k would fail the $150k candidate interview, and the $100k candidate interview would be too easy for the $150k candidate.
  • You will get some important data. If, after interviewing several candidates for a position, you find that all of them are making more than what you're offering, you will know that you need to rethink your offer.

If you decide to ask the salary question, make it the first one out of the gate - they'll be more likely to give a good answer.

Tip: If they won't give an expected salary at first, come back to it. It's a crucial piece of information, because if there is no way to get a financial fit for the candidate, it will be hard to get them to accept the job, and you'll end up wasting a lot of time.

2. Why are you leaving your current role?

Understanding their motivation for leaving is key, because if it's due to an issue that is also common in your company, then they are probably not a great fit.

3. Detail the most successful idea you have taken from concept to launch.

This is highly dependent on the role but can be asked for every position in a slightly different way. The goal is for the candidate to answer with the most successful piece of work they completed. It will give you an overall idea of their skills, and what level projects they're able to manage.

4. What are the typical mistakes other candidates make in this role?

If they cannot answer this one well and provide examples of when other people do their own job wrong, then they won't realize when they themselves are getting it wrong. A good answer should identify common mistakes made in the job, and maybe even delve into less common ones.

5. Tell me about a great product or service you've encountered recently. Why do you like it?

In a way, this goes hand-in-hand with the previous question. The idea is to have candidates come up with an example of work in their field that shows they are keeping an eye on the industry and trends.

Should you do a phone screening interview?

A preliminary phone interview is a great tool that will help you streamline your hiring process. This is simply because they require a lot less time on everyone's part. There's no commuting and no scrambling to find a quiet space for the conversation.

In 15 minutes you can check to see that the applicant understands the job, meets the basic job description, and has reasonable salary expectations. You can also do a quick probe of any resume gaps and roles that didn't last long.

If you're trying to keep your job interviews to a reasonable length - say 15 minutes - you'll need to pare it down to some essential job interview questions that give you the most useful answers.

Remember, you'll probably spend a little over two minutes with introductions, and the same winding down. So realistically you've got about 10 minutes for questions. With that in mind, you've got no time for common interview questions about their greatest strength and weakness.

Most of the sample phone interview questions we see are so broad they rarely give you any valuable insight into the candidates fit for the role. You need the tough questions that get right down to business and provide useful answers to your telephone interview questions.

Below we detail all the best questions to ask during a phone interview and provide phone interview questions and answers.

Red Flags to Watch for in Phone Interviews:

What are some clear signs that a candidate isn't going to work out? Hiring managers often ask this question. No one likes to miss a signal that a candidate wasn't the right fit.

1. They talk about money too much.

You generally shouldn't hire people motivated only by money.

2. LinkedIn profile and resume don't match.

The skills listed on their resume aren't on LinkedIn, or vice-versa, there are jobs or gaps that are different between them, and the applicant gives poor explanations for discrepancies.

3. Low energy.

Most companies want self-motivated, driven candidates. It's hard to imagine someone who is low energy during a phone interview having these qualities.

4. Unsure what role they want.

If a candidate isn't decided on taking the role you're hiring for and is possibly looking into other roles, they typically don't stay in their roles long.

5. Finally, always listen to your instincts.

If something doesn't feel right about a candidate then hire someone else, even if you can't work out why it feels off.

Basic Phone Interview Tips to Improve Your Process:

Here are a few tips for making the phone interview process easier and less time-consuming for interviewers and applicants. Knowing how to prepare for a phone interview will help you quickly switch into interview mode and identify the best candidate possible.

1. Fact check.

When a candidate mentions a specific figure, write that down and ask about it again later in the interview.

If they answer with the same number, you know it's most likely accurate and not embellished. Candidates rarely remember the exact embellished number they throw out.

2. Speak less, listen more.

The candidate should be doing the majority of the talking - you'll want to talk too, of course, they want to learn about you - but it's mostly about them.

3. Schedule smart.

Use a service like Calendly so candidates can see your availability and book a time that works for both of you.

4. Schedule 15-minute calls, but allow 60 on your calendar.

This way if you discover a great candidate you can delve deeper. For less impressive candidates, you can end the call at 15 minutes.

5. Offer phone interview times outside normal business hours.

Great candidates may need to be at their current job during working hours.

6. Avoid burn out.

Don’t do more than 4 total hours of phone interviews per day, or you'll get interview fatigue. Candidates pick up on this and it comes across as disinterest on your part.

7. Take detailed notes.

Seems like an obvious phone interview tip, but worth mentioning. If you've got several candidates, it'll help you keep things straight, and remember their interview answers. If you decide to do an in-person interview, give the notes to all interviewers.

8. Stay organized.

Use an applicant tracking system so candidates don't fall through the cracks.

Should You Do Freestyle or Scripted Interviews?

Lots of people wonder this - should you go into your phone interview with a script of questions that you're ready to ask, or should you freestyle it and see where your chemistry with the applicant naturally takes you?

Generally, we think it's best to ask the same questions of every candidate during this phase of the interview process.

It does two things: gives you a good way to compare the candidates, and gives them all a level playing field.

It also means that you're going into every one of your phone interviews prepared, at least where questions are concerned.

Of course, the interviews will still take their own shape. A particular answer may prompt you to delve deeper, but it's best to try to come around to asking a particular set of questions during each interview.

Next Steps to Getting Great Candidates:

If you find a great employee, and want to make sure they have a smooth transition onto your team, we've got a new employee checklist for you. But first, you may want to do some additional screening with an employment verification letter.

If you need more candidates to interview in the first place, have a look at our guide to using social media for recruiting. Also, check out our guide to remote interviews.


What kind of questions are asked in a phone interview?

  • Why did you apply for this job?
  • Why are you leaving your current position?
  • What is your current salary?
  • What is your expected salary?
  • What most qualifies you for this position?
  • What is the most difficult part of this position?
  • What is the most important part of this position?

What are the best telephone interview questions to ask?

  • What is your current and expected salary?
  • Why are you leaving your current role?
  • What is the most successful idea you have taken from concept to launch?
  • What are the typical mistakes other candidates make in this role?
  • Tell me about a great product or service you've encountered recently. Why do you like it?

What is the purpose of a phone screen interview?

The purpose of a phone interview is to screen applicants over the phone instead of inviting them to an interview in-person. This saves you time and streamlines the hiring process.

How do I conduct a good phone interview?

Prepare for the interview ahead of time by compiling a list of questions to ask the candidate. Use software to help you with scheduling and be sure to listen carefully and take notes so that you can refer back to them later.

How do I conduct a phone screen interview?

  1. Prepare your questions.
  2. Use software such as Calendly to make scheduling easy.
  3. Do a brief, polite introduction.
  4. Ask the same questions of each candidate.
  5. Take notes on their answers.
  6. Ask follow-up questions.
  7. With top candidates, arrange the next interview.

How long should a phone screen interview last?

Keep it short and stick to your script. A phone interview should not last longer than 15 - 30 minutes, depending on the type of job you're screening for and the caliber of the candidate.

What are the most common phone screen interview questions to ask?

  • What is your expected salary?
  • What is your experience in this position?
  • Why are you leaving your current position?
  • What is the most difficult part of this position?
  • What is the most important part of this position?
  • What is your greatest strength?
  • What is your greatest weakness?

How many questions should you ask in a phone interview?

Five to ten questions is an ideal number to ask.

Are there any illegal phone screen interview questions I should be looking out for?

Potentially. Obviously, anything discriminatory is out. Phone screening questions should not touch on a candidate's race, age, nationality, sex, or other potential areas for discrimination. Check out our article about illegal interview questions for info that will cover phone screen questions and other interview situations.

What are some good phone interview questions for checking skills?

Sometimes just asking them to describe their skill level is best. People might exaggerate on a resume, but they're less likely to deceive someone they're talking to directly. Beyond that, it's usually possible to come up with a few questions that anyone with these skills should always know, and that anyone without them wouldn't.

What phone screening interview questions do you recommend for unskilled jobs?

Even unskilled jobs require skills. For example, retail customer service often requires someone who can stay calm and not take things personally when people are upset. You can ask them to talk briefly about a time they had to handle someone who was upset, and what they did.

I have too many potential candidates. Are there any pre phone screening tips to help me sift them?

Try sending everyone an email first that asks them to answer 5 questions. The questions should require some thought and about 20 minutes to answer. Send the same questions to everyone. Unmotivated candidates won't bother responding and you'll be able to quickly compare responses and see who you should prioritize for interviews.

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