Interview Questions for Camp Directors:

1. Can you describe your steps for developing camp activities?

Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge and reveals whether the description aligns with requirements.

2. Unexpected rain interferes with a scheduled outdoor activity. What do you do?

Assesses the candidate's problem-solving skills and their ability to plan for unforeseen circumstances.

3. How do you ensure that campers get quality meals whilst remaining within budget?

Evaluates the candidate's experience in managing expenses and reveals whether they make suitable meal choices.

4. A camper experiences breathing difficulties after a bee sting. How do you react?

Reveals the candidate's knowledge of medical emergencies that need urgent intervention, as well as whether they maintain a suitably stocked first-aid kit.

5. Campers report that personal items are disappearing. How do you respond?

Tests the candidate's problem-solving and communication skills, and reveals whether they propose appropriate steps.

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