Senior .NET developer Job Description Template

We are looking for an experienced Senior .NET developer to oversee the development of functional .NET applications and websites. You will be acting in a managerial role, overseeing the functions of the junior .NET development staff. You will be directly involved with .NET application coding, system debugging, code reviewing, and the development of operational procedures.

To ensure success as a Senior .NET developer, you should have strong managerial skills, extensive experience with Microsoft Frameworks, and advanced problem-solving skills. A top-class Senior .NET Developer ensures the software development team produces scalable and functional applications that meet company specifications.

Senior .NET developer Responsibilities:

  • Meeting with technology managers to determine application and website requirements.
  • Upgrading existing .NET websites and applications.
  • Analyzing system requirements and delegating development tasks.
  • Developing technical specifications.
  • Writing scalable code for .NET software applications.
  • Reviewing and debugging .NET applications.
  • Providing support for junior developers.
  • Deploying functional websites, programs, and applications.
  • Drafting software and application operating procedures.
  • Training junior staff.

Senior .NET developer Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or information technology.
  • Previous experience as a .NET developer.
  • High-level managerial skills.
  • Knowledge of .NET languages including C#, Visual Basic.NET, C++/CLI, J#, and JScript.NET.
  • Proficient with front-end development languages including JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS.
  • Ability to project manage.
  • Excellent problem-solving skills.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills.

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