Rehabilitation Counselor Job Description Template

We are seeking a compassionate and committed rehabilitation counselor to help our clients manage debilitating conditions and improve their quality of life. In this role, you will be responsible for developing rehabilitation plans and strategies, and assisting patients to manage their conditions. You may also provide your expertise during personal injury or workers’ compensation cases.

To ensure success, rehabilitation counselors should possess exceptional insight into the medical and psychological aspects of physical and emotional disabilities, and have demonstrable rehabilitation experience. Outstanding candidates determine clients' strengths and goals and develop rehabilitation plans based on them, and consult with caregivers to better manage the conditions of their clients.

Rehabilitation Counselor Responsibilities:

  • Evaluating clients’ abilities, interests, experience, skills, health, and education.
  • Enabling individuals born with debilitating conditions to live more fulfilling and rewarding lives.
  • Assisting individuals to adapt to a disability acquired later in life.
  • Working alongside other healthcare works to facilitate access to medical care.
  • Considering individual strengths and limitations when creating rehabilitation plans and strategies.
  • Developing treatment plans in consultation with doctors, therapists, and psychologists.
  • Facilitating sessions with family members and caregivers to better manage the conditions of their clients.
  • Locating resources such as wheelchairs, computer software, or community support.
  • Identifying career training opportunities and educating employers about the abilities and needs of clients.
  • Monitoring clients’ progress and adjusting treatment plans as needed.

Rehabilitation Counselor Requirements:

  • A Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP) accredited masters degree in rehabilitation counseling, or similar.
  • A passing score on the national counselor examination.
  • State-prescribed licensing to practice as a rehabilitation counselor.
  • Extensive experience with physical and emotional disabilities, including substance abuse, grief, and emotional trauma.
  • Competency with electronic health record systems like AVATAR.
  • Experience with underlying health conditions.
  • In-depth knowledge of how people function mentally, emotionally, and socially.
  • Knowledge of laws that may positively or negatively impact people with disabilities.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Exceptional interpersonal skills and caring nature.

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