Interview Questions for Physicians:

1. What kind of information should you gather when seeing a patient for the first time?

Demonstrates candidates' attention to detail and the ability to take an accurate patient history.

2. What kind of information and recommendations would you give to a patient showing signs of developing diabetes?

Demonstrates candidates' medical knowledge as well as interpersonal skills.

3. What steps would you take if you were unable to provide a patient with a strong diagnosis?

Demonstrates candidates' willingness to acknowledge their own short-comings and refer patients to specialists. Be wary of candidates who demonstrate a lack of teamwork skills.

4. What would you do if you saw a medical assistant showing a lack of concern or compassion when performing a diagnostic test, such as drawing blood?

Demonstrates candidates' leadership and communication skills, as well as problem-solving ability.

5. Can you describe a time when you developed a treatment plan for a complex illness or injury? Was it successful?

Demonstrates candidates' knowledge and experience in diagnostics and treatment plans, as well as a willingness to admit to shortcomings or mistakes.

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