Library Assistant Interview Questions:

1. Which book are you currently reading? What do you like about it?

Library assistants should be avid book readers, since book readers tend to have more respect for the way books are treated, ensuring they are properly preserved. Look for candidates who demonstrate depth of thought in their answer.

2. Which previous experiences have prepared you for this role?

Candidates should describe a previous customer service position where interacting with people was at the core of their role.

3. What, in your opinion, are the most important qualities in a library assistant?

Candidates should list diligence and good organizational skill as the most important attributes in a Library Assistant.

4. Library patrons are having an audible conversation which is disturbing other patrons. What do you do?

Candidates should describe how they would interject and ensure that they understand the rules of the library. Should they repeat the offence, they should be asked to leave.

5. Describe an experience where you made a mistake in your duties. How did you rectify it?

Candidates should acknowledge the importance of diligence and how improper cataloging or shelving can lead to operational inefficiencies. Look for stories where candidates erred, rectified their error and learned a valuable lesson from the experience.

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