Interview Questions for Investment Consultants:

1. What is the best advice you've given to a client who wanted to start a retirement fund?

This question probes the candidate's ability to both communicate with a client and ask the right questions. Look for candidates who ask questions about age, income, budget, monthly spending, and more. The more questions a candidate poses, the more information they are able to gather.

2. Describe an event where you had to manage a crisis. How did you overcome it?

This provides the candidate with an opportunity to demonstrate both an example of the kinds of challenges they have had to overcome and the strategy they used to achieve success. Look for creative approaches to solving problems.

3. What is the best advice you've given to a client who wanted to start a college fund?

Once again, the more relevant questions the candidate asks, the more information gathered, the better the financial advice. Look for ways in which the candidate speaks to the client. Read their body language. Are they a natural communicator? Do they appear to be trustworthy?

4. How do you keep abreast of developments in the markets your clients are invested in?

The candidate should cite reading annual reports and press releases, using financial analysis software, and tracking index, dividend, and growth funds as part of their strategies for staying ahead of developments.

5. Tell us about an experience where you had to change a client's mind about an investment strategy. How did you convince them to trust you?

This gives the candidate an opportunity to demonstrate their persuasive communication and interpersonal skills. Candidates should describe how they successfully argued their position in a manner that expressed confidence and trust.

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