Interior designer resume template

Interior Designer Resume — Free Template

Download this interior designer resume template in Microsoft Word format.

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Interior Designer Resume Template:

Your Full Name

Interior Designer

[Street Address] [City] [Zip Code]

[Contact Number] [Email Address]

[Social Media Handles]



[Briefly write about your previous experience in interior designing, skills, and qualifications.]


  • [Skill 1]

  • [Skill 2]

  • [Skill 3]


Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Present, Location

Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Month 20XX, Location

Company Name / Job Title, Month 20XX - Month 20XX, Location


  • School Name / Degree, Month 20XX - Month 20XX, Location

  • School Name / Degree, Month 20XX - Month 20XX, Location


  • [Certificate 1]

  • [Certificate 2]


  • [Award 1]

  • [Award 2]

How to Write an Interior Designer Resume:

$0.00 USD
4 Hours
How to Write an Interior Designer Resume:

Complete guide to writing an interior designer resume.


Provide your personal information.


Add your contact information.

Add your contact information.

Start your resume by listing your full name, job title, and contact information. Your contact information should include your cellphone number, email address, and physical address. If you showcase your interior designs online, it's wise to also include links to your social media channels and website.


Start with a summary.


Write a professional summary.

Write a professional summary.

Your summary should be a brief description of yourself, highlighting your interior design experience, skills, and qualifications. Your summary should focus on what makes you perfect for the role of an interior designer. Typically, this section would only be 2–3 sentences.


List your competencies.


List your skills.

List your skills.

It's important to outline your skills in a clear and concise manner as these are the attributes employers will be most interested in. The skills typically associated with an interior designer include color and coordination, a creative eye for style, as well as proficiency in Adobe Photoshop and AutoCAD.


Describe your work experience.


Talk about your previous interior design experience.

Talk about your previous interior design experience.

Right after your skills section, you want to dive into your experience working as an interior designer. Your experiences should include the jobs you've worked on before, detailing all the tasks you completed while on the job. Add as much experience as possible, including internships and volunteering.


Add your qualifications.


Add your educational background.

Add your educational background.

When adding your educational background, you want to start with your highest qualification and work your way down. Make sure you include your college/university name and the dates you attended school. For those that are currently studying, include the words "In Progress."


Include any certificates you may have.

Include any certificates you may have.

Have you obtained any special certificates or licensure to work in the interior design field? If so, add your certificates to your resume as this will grab the employer or recruiter's attention.


Describe your accomplishments.


Add any awards you may have received.

Add any awards you may have received.

Similar to certificates, awards are another great way to show employers you're qualified for the position. Start this section with your latest award, and if possible, add physical copies of your awards. This section can also be a great way to showcase your biggest achievements.


What should be included in an interior design resume?

What are the skills needed to be an interior designer?

  • Extreme creativity and a great imagination.
  • Good communication skills, especially in regard to communicating an artistic vision.
  • Proficiency in AutoCAD, Illustrator, SketchUp or similar design software.

What is the role of an interior designer?

An interior designer helps transform living spaces, offices, and hotels by determining space requirements and choosing artistic and beautiful decor elements.

Is an interior designer a good job?

Yes, if you have a great eye for detail and are able to envision designs that can enhance a space. This role requires high levels of creativity, making it the ideal role for an artistic individual.

How do you get a job as an interior designer?

  • Obtain the necessary qualifications and skills.
  • Build experience.
  • Create a well-informed and creative portfolio.
  • Create a resume.
  • Apply for a job.

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