Facilities Manager Interview Questions:

1. How would you ensure the needs of all working staff are met?

Candidates should describe adopting a methodical, highly organized approach to managing their workload. Look for candidates who keep detailed accounts of all business activities and undertake preemptive action to ensure their needs are always met and that candidates never fall behind with their duties.

2. Managing facilities comes with a lot of pressure. How do you perform under pressure?

Candidates should describe past experiences where they successfully managed high-pressure situations and the skills they've developed working in those situations.

3. What, in your opinion, is the most important quality in a facilities manager?

Candidates should list good organizational skills and attention to detail as key characteristics in a facilities manager.

4. How would you settle a dispute between yourself and a building employee?

Facilities Managers often deal with workers who are unhappy with building services. In such events, candidates need to utilize good listening skills to understand what their concerns are and keep them informed as to the status of maintenance or repairs. Always keeping them informed is critical.

5. Describe an experience where you made a mistake in your duties. How did you rectify your error?

Candidates should acknowledge the importance of diligence in their duties and how oversight can lead to operational difficulties for the housed business. Look for stories where candidates erred, rectified their error and learned a valuable lesson from the experience.

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