Disc Jockey Job Description Template

We are looking for a talented disc jockey to connect with listeners on our show. As a DJ, you will be responsible for engaging with listeners, queueing up playlists, presenting commercials, performing interviews, taking music requests, and generating interest in the show. You may also be required to MC public events and perform meet and greets.

To ensure success as a disc jockey, you should have a natural charisma, a passion for music, and the ability to connect with people. A top-notch DJ connects with listeners through engaging talk content and social interaction.

Disc Jockey Responsibilities:

  • Reviewing the weekly and daily playlist.
  • Ensuring music and commercials are played on schedule.
  • Introducing weather, traffic, and news presenters.
  • Taking music requests and engaging with listeners.
  • Responding to social media interactions.
  • Presenting on-air competitions.
  • Interviewing guests.
  • Presenting sponsored live events.
  • Mixing and playing music at sponsored events.
  • Presenting live on-air advertisements.

Disc Jockey Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in radio journalism or similar field.
  • Previous experience as a DJ.
  • Excellent verbal communication skills.
  • Knowledge of modern music trends.
  • Good presenting skills.
  • Good interpersonal skills.
  • Knowledge of current affairs and world news.
  • Ability to empathize with listeners.

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