Development Director Job Description Template

We are looking for an organized development coordinator to manage fundraising campaigns for our nonprofit organization by planning fundraising events and meeting with donors to build and maintain good relationships.

To be successful as a development director you should be able to network with potential sponsors and vendors. A good development director combines knowledge of finances and budgeting with strong social skills to ensure that the organization reaches its fundraising goals.

Development Director Responsibilities:

  • Create fundraising goals for the fiscal year.
  • Contact new and existing donors to build and maintain relationships.
  • Plan major gift programs.
  • Organize fundraising events.
  • Hire staff to assist with fundraising campaigns.

Development Director Requirements:

  • A bachelor's degree in finance or a related field.
  • Prior experience as a fundraiser, project manager, or financial planner.
  • Experience working with a nonprofit organization would be advantageous.
  • Excellent time management skills.
  • Ability to problem-solve quickly.
  • Excellent planning skills.

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