Audio Technician Job Description Template

We are looking for a competent audio technician to join our studio team. Audio technician responsibilities include setting up and breaking down audio equipment, running cables, and testing microphones and other equipment.

A top-notch audio technician will have experience in analog and digital mixing consoles as well as repair and maintenance of sound equipment. You should know how to edit, create, and record sound.

Audio Technician Responsibilities:

  • Preparing and operating sound equipment.
  • Setting up and breaking down audio equipment.
  • Running audio equipment and checking that everything is properly connected.
  • Testing audio equipment for volume, tone, and clarity.
  • Evaluating audio equipment for repair and maintenance.
  • Operating mixing consoles and adjusting sounds and volumes when necessary.
  • Ensuring customers are happy with the sound quality and the set up of the audio equipment.
  • Recommending equipment and software upgrades when necessary.
  • Collaborating with other Audio Technicians.

Audio Technician Requirements:

  • An associate's or bachelor's degree in a field related to sound technologies.
  • A minimum of 1 year of experience in an audio management role.
  • Advanced knowledge of sound and recording equipment.
  • Excellent communication and customer service skills.
  • Good multi-tasking skills.
  • Excellent computer skills.
  • A strong ear for sound variants.
  • A technical aptitude.

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