Interview Questions for Adjunct Professors:

1. Describe the best lesson you have given. How did you prepare for this class?

Evaluates planning, organizational, and teaching skills. It also reveals the candidate’s ability to identify quality lessons.

2. What is the most valuable piece of feedback you received from a student?

Reveals the candidate’s ability to process feedback and implement changes to their teaching and lesson plans.

3. How would you go about structuring a syllabus?

Tests knowledge of the field and teaching, as well as planning and organizational skills.

4. Describe a time a student performed poorly. What steps did you take to help them?

Tests communication, interpersonal, and problem-solving skills. It also reveals the depth of relationships the candidate builds with their students.

5. What, in your opinion, are three traits that make an excellent adjunct professor?

Reveals the candidate's understanding of the role and their suitability for the position.

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