Interview Questions for Trauma Surgeons:

1. What steps would you take if you knew a patient would not survive surgery?

Demonstrates candidates' critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, as well as their ability to handle stressful situations. Take note of candidates who demonstrate an unwillingness to fight for their patients.

2. What would you do if a child of two Jehovah's Witness parents required a blood transfusion for a surgery the child needs to survive?

Demonstrates candidates' critical-thinking skills and ethical decision making.

3. What steps do you use when examining an in-coming patient who has sustained a penetrating injury to determine what treatment should be used?

Demonstrates candidates' analytical and diagnostic skills, as well as attention to detail.

4. How would you communicate the loss of a patient to their family members?

Demonstrates candidates' interpersonal and communication skills, as well as their empathy.

5. What recent development in surgical techniques are you most excited about?

Demonstrates candidates' current surgical knowledge.

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