Interview Questions for Trauma Nurses

1. Can you describe a difficult emergency case and how you handled it?

Candidates should demonstrate the ability to deal with problems in a calm manner, as well as the initiative to handle the problem on their own. Take note of candidates who make generalizations about patients.

2. What would you do if a patient suddenly collapsed in the emergency ward?

Look for candidates who are able to quickly outline how they would assess and diagnose this patient. Look out for candidates who are uncertain of their response or provide an out-of-sequence answer.

3. How do you keep fit?

Demonstrates the candidate's stamina and ability to work long, demanding hours. Take note of candidates who do not keep up their fitness levels as they may be unable to handle the hours of being on their feet.

4. How would you handle losing a patient?

Trauma Nurses do their best, but sometimes it's not enough; candidates should demonstrate an acceptance of the loss of patients and not let it affect their future performance.

5. Explain a situation where something went wrong with your treatment of a patient. How would you handle it differently if you could do it again?

Look for candidates who demonstrate the ability to accept their mistakes and learn from them. Take note of candidates who cannot provide an example.

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