Interview Questions for Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Technicians:

1. Can you explain your understanding of what TMS treatment is?

Assesses knowledge of the role and the candidate's awareness of the responsibilities associated with TMS treatment.

2. Tell me about your experience in working with people with severe depression?

Tests related experience, as well as the candidate's suitability to work with patients dealing with depression.

3. Can you describe how you would prepare patients for their first TMS treatment?

Demonstrates the candidate's experience in patient care and their ability to reassure patients.

4. A patient becomes anxious during treatment. How would you respond?

Reveals the candidate's interpersonal and problem-solving skills, and reveals whether they respond in an appropriate way.

5. Can you describe your experience with electronic health record systems?

Highlights whether the candidate has sufficient knowledge of electronic health record management software.

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