Interview Questions for Public Relations Directors:

1. What has been your biggest PR challenge, and how did you handle it?

This question reveal's the candidate's crisis-management and problem-solving skills.

2. What do you think makes a social media campaign successful?

Look for candidates who have insightful knowledge of public relations on social media.

3. What has been your proudest achievement while leading a PR team?

This question lets candidates demonstrate their passion for the role, and could reveal their creativity, innovation, or leadership skills.

4. How do you go about evaluating a campaign's effectiveness?

Candidates should have a solid grasp of analytics tools and other methods of gathering data to report on the effectiveness of a public relations message.

5. Can you tell us about any professional relationships you've established with media partners?

This question reveals each candidate's ability to network and build relationships. Top candidates will have established media contacts that can prove useful to your company.

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