Interview Questions for Patient Advocates:

1. How would you handle conflicting demands from a patient and their family members?

Demonstrates the candidate's ability to listen to all parties, with the understanding that they should ultimately act in the best interests of the patient.

2. What's been a challenge you've managed to work through while advocating for patients?

Tests the candidate's problem-solving skills and persistence, as well as their ability to find alternate solutions.

3. You've just learnt that a patient's insurance has denied their claim. How do you proceed?

Tests the candidate's ability to inform the patient of all the options available, as well as their persistence and attention to detail in reviewing the claim.

4. What are some of the rights that patients are often unaware of?

Reveals the candidate's knowledge of patient healthcare rights.

5. How would you handle a situation where you believe a doctor is being negligent?

Tests the candidate's ability to report critical issues and ensure the patient receives the best care possible.

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