Interview Questions for Medical Technologists:

1. Tell me about a few misconceptions outsiders have about the nature of this role?

Evaluates the candidate's experience, as well as whether their descriptions align with job expectations.

2. A tissue sample arrives that you think might be contaminated. What do you do?

Assesses the candidate's experience and ability to ensure the integrity of test results.

3. A doctor gets impatient with tests that take time to complete. How do you react?

Reveals the candidate's problem-solving and interpersonal skills, as well as whether they demonstrate a collaborative approach.

5. Can you describe which software you've used to report and share your results?

Highlights the candidate's proficiency in health record management software.

4. What would you say is the best way to keep laboratory equipment calibrated?

Demonstrates the candidate's problem-solving and interpersonal skills.

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