Lobbyist Interview Questions:

1. Would you say you are a people person, and why?

It is impossible to be a successful Lobbyist without having strong people skills. Listen for the applicant to convince you they possess this skill.

2. Could you tell me about your experience working on Capitol Hill, and with whom do you have positive professional relationships there?

The prospective hire's answer will demonstrate their abilities as a Lobbyist and further demonstrate their people skills.

3. What have your three most prominent achievements as a Lobbyist been?

The applicant's answer will further display their abilities as a Lobbyist.

4. Could you act as an activist for causes you don't believe in or even those that offend you?

Listen for the candidate's ability to represent all clients effectively and fairly.

5. Where did you display the ability to influence others in past experiences?

The applicant needs to convince you of their ability to influence others in their answer to this question.

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