Interview Questions for Hairdressers:
1. How do you ensure that clients are satisfied with the hairdressing services provided?
Demonstrates the candidate's industry knowledge as well as communication and customer service skills.
2. What would you do if a client requested a hairstyle that wouldn't suit his or her features?
Demonstrates the candidate's ability to follow instructions as well as communication and customer service skills.
3. How would you treat hair that is damaged from excessive dyeing?
Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge of various hair care treatments and products as well as problem-solving skills and experience.
4. What would you do if a long-standing client suddenly decided to have his or her hair cut by a co-worker?
Demonstrates the candidate's communication skills, willingness to improve his or her craft, and ability to support co-workers.
5. What would you do if a client suffered an allergic reaction to a particular hair dye while you were dyeing his or her hair?
Demonstrates the candidate's ability to act quickly as well as communication, problem-solving, and customer service skills.