Hair Stylist Interview Questions:

1. How would you build a personal relationship with a client?

Building a long term relationship with a client is a way of securing continued business. In addition to ensuring that a patient is always happy with their hair, candidates should describe how they would use good conversationalist and interpersonal skills to build a friendship with their clients.

2. How would you consult a client on adopting a new hair style?

Candidates should describe the different ways in which they would convince a client to pursue a new look. This can include showing them pictures of celebrities with the same look and offering personal design advice on how the hair style in question is suited to the client's facial symmetry and bone structure. Candidates should also note that despite their suggestions, the chosen hair style should always be that of the client, not the stylist.

3. A client has frizzy or damaged hair. What would you recommend?

This question tests the treatment expertise of a candidate. Candidates should recommend treatment options including straightening, re-bonding, organic smoothing, and deep oil therapy. Look for the way in which he/she tries to sell you on a treatment option.

4. Has a client ever been dissatisfied with your work? How did you respond to the criticism?

Candidates should describe their consultation process and how they ensure that their stylistic vision is aligned with the vision of the client before proceeding with a haircut. Candidates should also note that they would follow company policy in these situations or offer to restyle the client's hair in a more befitting manner, but they should never offer their money back.

Candidates should list subscribing to beauty magazines and being perceptive with regards to people's personal style as means of staying updated.

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