Esthetician Interview Questions:

1. How do you keep your working environment organized and your equipment sanitized?

The candidate’s answer will demonstrate their ability to meet hygiene and orderliness standards. It is important for an esthetician to start and finish appointments punctually and to maintain vital standards at the same time.

2. How would you define inappropriate client behavior, and how would you address it?

Listen carefully. It is important for the potential hire to express a clear understanding of inappropriate client behavior, as well as the ability to address this challenge in an effective manner.

The potential hire's answer will demonstrate their ability to adequately address challenges that may arise during the course of their work.

4. Could you give me an example from past experience where you reassured a client who expressed embarrassment regarding a physical imperfection?

It is important for an esthetician to make clients feel at ease. The candidate's answer will show whether they have the ability to make clients feel good about themselves not by cosmetic means only, but by demonstrating kindness as well.

5. How would you explain microdermabrasion to a client?

The candidate's answer will show their understanding of microdermabrasion, as well as their ability to explain technical concepts to clients in an understandable manner.

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