Funeral Service Manager Job Description Template

We are searching for a funeral service manager to ensure the gainful management of our business. The funeral service manager should discern clients' wishes, advise on suitable funeral-related offerings, and delegate all pertinent activities. You should also issue substantial hands-on support throughout menial and highly specialized undertakings.

To ensure success as a funeral service manager, you should be able to coordinate exceptionally intricate, laborious tasks with accuracy. Ultimately, a remarkable funeral service manager will be mindful of death-related cultural norms.

Funeral Service Manager Responsibilities:

  • Procuring pertinent, high-quality stock from ethical vendors.
  • Establishing fair pricing, marketing, and employment-related norms.
  • Discerning appropriate offerings contingent on each family's requirements.
  • Exercising additional discretion to safeguard distraught clients.
  • Drafting funeral-related plans and delegating components thereof.
  • Offering culturally congruent grief counseling.
  • Ensuring adherence to death-related legislation.

Funeral Service Manager Requirements:

  • Completion of a reputable mortuary science course.
  • Demonstrable experience as a funeral service manager.
  • Receipt of Business-related accolades is advantageous.
  • Polished supervisory, delegation, and problem-solving techniques.
  • Capacity to furnish families with unobtrusive guidance.
  • Top-notch grief counseling abilities, with thoughtful consideration for the parameters of non-licensed practices.
  • Ability to uncover complicated grief.
  • Well-honed referral abilities.

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