Forensic Psychologist Interview Questions

1. Could you give me a detailed explanation of how you would detect malingering?

At times suspected criminals attempt to portray signs of mental illness to influence the course of their trial. The candidate needs to display proficiency in detecting this tactic.

2. How do you put your feelings aside to assess patients objectively?

It is common for psychologists to experience a wide range of feelings while interacting with patients. Listen for the prospective hire to show the ability to reach objective decisions.

3. Could you explain in detail how you assess individuals' recidivism risk?

As Forensic Psychologists play a pivotal role in parole assessments, the applicant needs to show proficiency with establishing recidivism risks—especially concerning offenders with histories of violence.

4. Are you proficient with identifying suicide risks, and why would you say so?

The answer to this question will display the prospective hire's knowledge, experience and ability to make valid assessments.

5. Would you be able to design effective behavioral management plans for inmates?

The answer to this question will demonstrate the applicant's abilities as a forensic psychologist.

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