Forensic Anthropologist Job Description Template

We are looking for a forensic anthropologist to be responsible for uncovering and examining human remains. The responsibilities of a forensic anthropologist include identifying remains, determining the time of death, and participating in lab analyses.

To be successful as a forensic anthropologist, you should demonstrate good communication and teamworking skills, an ability to maintain composure, and provide unbiased analyses. Ultimately, a top-notch forensic anthropologist should be able to eloquently articulate findings, effectively describe technical information, and must be a rational thinker.

Forensic Anthropologist Responsibilities:

  • Handling human remains.
  • Cleaning remains.
  • Conducting inspections on remains for signs of trauma.
  • Identifying the age and sex of remains.
  • Estimating the time of death.
  • Drafting reports on findings.
  • Appearing in court cases.
  • Collaborating with law enforcement.

Forensic Anthropologist Requirements:

  • Master's or Ph.D. in anthropology, forensic sciences, or related field.
  • Lab and field experience.
  • Able to work long hours.
  • Good communication and teamwork skills.
  • Critical thinking skills.

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