Family Advocate Job Description Template

We are seeking a family advocate who is passionate about achieving positive child and family outcomes through high-quality engagement. Family advocates are expected to be qualified, motivated, and well-equipped professionals that want to provide child-focused mediation between parents who wish to exercise or acquire parental rights and responsibilities.

A family advocate will ensure that a trusting and collaborative process is implemented in each family with a specific focus on the best interest of the child. Top candidates will recognize and identify each family’s risk and protective factors, respect the diverse cultures and values of each family and establish professional roles and boundaries while working with families.

Family Advocate Responsibilities:

  • Mediate disputes by parents over the responsibilities and rights of the child.
  • Place or register parenting plans.
  • Provide legal information regarding the responsibilities and rights of the parents.
  • Facilitate and Monitor the agreement reached that will be in the best interest of the child.
  • Provide the courts with reports in litigation matters.
  • Provide recommendations to the court on how parents can care for the child under the circumstances.
  • Develop, implement, and monitor a program specific to each family and their circumstance.
  • Maintain accurate and complete documentation of services to families.

Family Advocate Requirements:

  • Bachelors degree in social services, social work, sociology, or related field (essential).
  • 2 years of experience in social work or a similar environment (essential).
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Superb dispute and conflict resolution skills.
  • Solid organizational and IT skills.
  • Experience working with culturally diverse families, communities, and staff.
  • Ability to understand, formulate, and implement a viable plan of action for each family.

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