Enterprise Architect Job Description Template

We are looking for a detail-oriented enterprise architect to assist in the operations of our organization. The enterprise architect's responsibilities include improving the current IT infrastructure, optimizing business operations, and setting the direction and approach for integrating information applications and programs. The enterprise architect is also responsible for cataloging, developing, coordinating, communicating, maintaining, and enforcing overall enterprise architecture models, representations, initiatives, capabilities, and components to adequately perform the organization's business and technology activities.

To be successful as an enterprise architect, you should have excellent technical, analytical, and project management skills. You should also have strong leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills.

Enterprise Architect Responsibilities:

  • Evaluating internal functions, business development strategies, and IT processes and suggesting improvements.
  • Creating business architecture models to reflect the organization's strategies and goals and creating and implementing business visions and goals.
  • Evaluating systems engineering, talent recruiting, and accounting models for discrepancies and vulnerabilities.
  • Suggesting ideas to reduce costs in IT and business leadership.
  • Organizing training to improve employees' knowledge and skills for future organizational growth.
  • Conducting research in talent management to improve the organization's business operations.
  • Providing business architecture and systems processing guidance.
  • Ensuring the efficiency, security, and support of the organization's goals.
  • Creating methods for compliance architecture, such as data storage, metadata management, and change control.
  • Determining and implementing build versus buy strategies, mentor personnel, and views of the overall business strategy.

Enterprise Architect Requirements:

  • A bachelor's degree in information technology or a related field.
  • Experience in system architecture may be advantageous.
  • Excellent technical, analytical, and project management skills.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Good leadership and motivational skills.
  • Experience in modeling and graphic representations.

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