Documentation Specialist Job Description Template

We are looking for highly meticulous, organized candidates for the position of documentation specialist. Documentation specialists are responsible for outlining a long-term storage strategy, working with colleagues to ensure consistency of documentation practice across the company, and training employees on efficient documentation usage, among other duties.

Documentation specialists will physically exert themselves with the moving of files and boxes, requiring physical strength and stamina.

Documentation Specialist Responsibilities:

  • Organizing an archiving system.
  • Labeling, sorting, and categorizing documents for ease of use.
  • Retrieving documents upon request.
  • Outlining a long-term storage strategy.
  • Adhering to regulatory requirements.
  • Working with colleagues to ensure consistency of documentation practice across the company.
  • Training employees on efficient documentation usage.
  • Assisting with both internal and external audits.
  • Ensuring documentation integrity.
  • Controlling access to documents.
  • Removing documents that are obsolete.
  • Utilizing storage software and applications for electronic filing.
  • Performing transcription and conversion work.
  • Proofreading documents upon request.

Documentation Specialist Requirements:

  • Degree in communications or related field.
  • Proficiency with scanning and administrative technology.
  • Physical strength and stamina for heavy lifting.
  • Outstanding organizational skills.
  • Multitasking ability.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication.
  • Good interpersonal skills.

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