Interview Questions for Catering Assistants:

1. How do you ensure that food items are not spilled or disrupted during transportation?

Demonstrates the candidate's industry knowledge and problem-solving skills.

2. What would you do in a situation where there is insufficient food for guests at a function?

Demonstrates the candidate's communication and problem-solving skills as well as experience.

3. What would you do if you noticed a young guest using his or her hands instead of salad tongs to dish salad onto a plate?

Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge of food health and safety regulations as well as communication and customer service skills.

4. What should you do if you accidentally cut yourself while preparing ingredients?

Demonstrates the candidate's knowledge of food health and safety regulations.

5. What steps do you take to ensure that dining and buffet areas are set up on time?

Demonstrates the candidate's organizational and time management skills.

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