Bookbinder Job Description Template

We are looking for a skilled bookbinder to join our production team. As a bookbinder, you will be responsible for cutting and assembling printed components to form finished book products. You may also be required to stamp covers and pack books into shipment boxes.

To ensure success as a Bookbinder, you should have excellent fine-motor skills, a talent for artistic design, and a keen eye for detail. A top-class bookbinder expertly translates the ideas of the book designer into an attractive and functional product.

Bookbinder Responsibilities:

  • Meeting with the book designers to discuss final product specifications.
  • Cutting papers to size using hand and machine cutting tools.
  • Gluing and stitching components into the cover using manually operated machines.
  • Attaching endpapers to the body of the book.
  • Trimming book edges to size.
  • Applying color to signatures and edges.
  • Cutting and attaching outside cover material to the board cover.
  • Gluing outside endpapers to the final cover.
  • Placing finished books into press until drying is complete.
  • Weighing and stacking books for shipment.

Bookbinder Requirements:

  • High school diploma or GED.
  • Previous work experience as a Bookbinder.
  • Creative design skills.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Excellent fine-motor skills.
  • Detailed knowledge of book composition materials.
  • Ability to operate hand and machine cutting tools.
  • Detail-oriented.
  • Ability to operate presses and manipulating tools.
  • Ability to work to a strict deadline.

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