Interview Questions for UI/UX Designers:

1. Describe a time when you used your skills as a UI/UX designer to improve the usability of a digital asset. How did you do it?

Shows experience and the ability to implement UI and UX best practices and principles.

2. What is your UI/UX design process? Elaborate on the UI and UX design methods you follow.

Demonstrates planning ability and a thorough understanding of UI and UX processes.

3. Have you worked with designers, web developers, or product managers on a UI/UX project in the past? How did you find the experience? Did you work as an efficient team?

Indicates an ability to collaborate and work with others in a team.

4. What factors or conventions would help you to decide which UI features to add to a product, in order to improve functionality?

Shows the ability to create new solutions in order to improve the usefulness of a digital product.

5. In your opinion, which trend in UI/UX design has had the greatest impact on the technology industry?

Illustrates an interest and a desire to remain well-informed on advances within the technology industry specifically in relation to UI and UX design.

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