Interview Questions for Surgical Assistants:

1. What methods do you use to stay focused during surgery and competently handle multiple tasks?

Demonstrates candidates' organizational and multitasking skills, as well as attention to detail.

2. What is your biggest fear about being a Surgical Assistant, and how will you overcome it?

Demonstrates candidates' understanding of the job requirements as well as their ability to cope.

3. Can you describe a time when you discovered a problem with surgical equipment, sutures, or materials and how you resolved the issue?

Demonstrates candidates' attention to detail and problem-solving skills.

4. How would you handle a sudden emergency, such as cardiac arrest, during an operation?

Demonstrates candidates' teamworking skills as well as knowledge of basic medical tasks and their ability to remain calm under pressure.

5. What methods have you found effective in calming an anxious patient pre-surgery?

Demonstrates candidates' interpersonal and communication skills.

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