Interview Questions for STEM Teachers:

1. Why did you pursue teaching as a career?

The best teachers go beyond the call of duty to ensure their students excel. Education demands that teachers treat their jobs as more than a 9–5 gig. Look for candidates who talk about being inspired by teaching in their student days and the transformative power of a good education.

2. How do you handle disruptive students?

This question probes the candidate's classroom management skills. Look for stories of how candidates successfully managed disruptive students and what they've learned in the process.

3. What is your teaching philosophy?

This gives candidates an opportunity to speak about their personal approach to teaching. Look for responses based not only on sound teaching principles but also on their personal experiences as a teacher.

4. How do you use data in constructing your curriculum?

Look for responses that demonstrate the value of data-driven instruction and examples of how they've measured student progress with data and refined curricula in response.

5. How do you motivate your students?

This question gives candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their strategies for effective learning. Look for candidates who emphasize creativity and purpose.

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