Sanitation Supervisor Job Description Template

We are looking for an experienced sanitation supervisor to design and implement our company’s sanitation policies. As a sanitation supervisor, you will be responsible for developing sanitation protocols in line with state health and safety regulations. You will also be required to conduct daily sanitation inspections, and oversee staff training.

To be successful as a sanitation supervisor, you should demonstrate strong leadership skills, detailed knowledge of the food and beverage industry, and a good eye for detail. A top-notch sanitation supervisor ensures the manufacturing facility is always up to code and running efficiently.

Sanitation Supervisor Responsibilities:

  • Inspecting the manufacturing process to determine sanitation protocols.
  • Designing and implementing sanitation policies and protocols.
  • Coordinating and monitoring cleaning schedules.
  • Creating and distributing work schedules for the sanitation workers.
  • Performing daily inspections of the manufacturing facility and reporting any irregularities.
  • Implementing corrective actions to ensure compliance with regulatory authorities.
  • Providing feedback to company managers and advising on manufacturing changes.
  • Monitoring the preparation and use of cleaning chemicals.
  • Training sanitation workers and organizing refresher workshops for existing staff.
  • Coordinating the services of contractors and external cleaning crews.

Sanitation Supervisor Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s degree in food science or a similar field.
  • Previous experience as a sanitation supervisor.
  • Extensive knowledge of the food and beverage industry.
  • Strong attention to detail.
  • Advanced managerial skills.
  • Detailed knowledge of cleaning chemicals and safety protocols.
  • Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills.
  • Ability to design and implement training programs.

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