Interview Questions for Occupational Therapist Assistants:

1. What basic information would you expect to record when evaluating a patient for the first time to develop a treatment program?

Demonstrates candidates' knowledge and attention to detail.

2. How would you motivate a patient who is tired and in pain to complete their therapy program?

Demonstrates candidates' communication, interpersonal, and teaching skills, as well as their ability to maintain a positive attitude.

3. What methods have you found most suitable in assisting shy patients with their personal grooming and dressing?

Demonstrates candidates' empathy and perception of their patients' needs.

4. Can you describe a time when you suggested an innovative therapy activity or piece of equipment? Was it successful?

Demonstrates candidates' critical thinking skills as well as continued education and lateral thinking abilities.

5. What steps do you use when instructing a patient on the use of a piece of equipment?

Demonstrates candidates' instructional skills.

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