Occupational Health Nurse Job Description Template

We are looking for a dedicated occupational health nurse to ensure the health and safety of our workforce. The occupational health nurse's responsibilities include monitoring employee health and encouraging better choices, meeting health and safety standards to reduce work-related injuries, and educating the workforce about the requirements to minimize the risks they would be facing.

To be successful as an occupational health nurse, you should be up-to-date on the relevant health and safety legislations of the work field, and able to develop new health policies. A successful candidate should be professional, have good communication skills, and good interpersonal skills when convincing the workforce to make healthier choices.

Occupational Health Nurse Responsibilities:

  • Remaining up-to-date with current health and safety legislation.
  • Ensuring the health and safety of the workers by inspecting the worksite to maintain health and safety standards.
  • Creating a healthier and safer environment to reduce disability claims and work-related injuries.
  • Promoting worker productivity by developing and implementing health policies.
  • Educating and training employees in the risks they may face.

Occupational Health Nurse Requirements:

  • A registered nursing license.
  • An associate's degree in occupational health nursing.
  • Experience as an Occupational Health Nurse may be required.
  • In-depth knowledge of health and safety measures.
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills.

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