Interview Questions for Occupational Health Nurses

1. Has there been a time when you accidentally caused conflict with a worker? How did you resolve it?

Demonstrates interpersonal skills and problem-solving. When working with people, a successful occupational health nurse should be flexible in working outside the box to ensure proper care.

2. Has there been an occasion where you developed a new health policy? How did you implement it?

Look for candidates who demonstrate creative thinking, as well as knowledge of current health trends. Candidates who show initiative would be able to present an idea they have not had an opportunity to develop and implement,

3. How would you diffuse a conflict in the workplace?

Demonstrates interpersonal skills and problem-solving.

4. Can you describe a time when you have implemented something new that you have learned?

Look for candidates who demonstrate current knowledge of health and safety practices, as well as lateral thinking.

5. How would you handle a negative reaction from a management team member when attempting to implement a new health and safety regulation?

Demonstrates interpersonal skills and the ability to negotiate with upper management.

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