Firefighter Job Description Template:

We are on the hunt for an experienced firefighter to join our team of qualified professionals. Your central responsibility will be to extinguish fires, as well as respond to accidents and emergencies. Other duties may include delivering emergency medical care, performing property inspections, and participating in regular fire drills.

To exceed in this challenging role, all candidates should have the desire to help others, as saving lives and protecting property is a vital part of the job. In addition to being an excellent problem-solver, the successful candidate will also demonstrate outstanding stamina and physical health.


  • Inspect and implement health and safety regulations in commercial and residential properties.
  • Coordinate with local police and ambulance service departments.
  • Monitor and maintain vehicles, equipment, hydrants, and water supplies.
  • Manage and extinguish forest or building fires.
  • Analyze scenes of fire or accidents to identify possible causes.
  • Remove debris and burned items from fire scenes.
  • Prepare detailed incident reports and submit them to management.
  • Participate in regular fire drills.
  • Assist with the promotion of fire safety by attending talks, seminars, and training sessions.


  • High school diploma or relevant qualification.
  • Certification as emergency medical technicians (EMT) is favored.
  • A minimum of 3 years full-time firefighting experience is required.
  • Outstanding physical strength and stamina.
  • Excellent knowledge of first aid and CPR techniques.
  • Good problem-solving skills.

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